Historical and cultural tour: Pieve di S. Croce and surroundings

An historical and cultural itinerary dedicated to those keen to...

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Magic of the Woods (La Magia del Bosco)

Difficulty: easy Start point: Mezzocorona (TN) Take the short detour...

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Sulle Tracce dell’Orso – On the Bear Tracks

On Alpe Cimbra bears disappeared in the years before the war. Even if...

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Cultural border - Border culture

The path allows you to get to know the landscape and cultural...

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Cooperation Path 4

The itinerary is signposted with panels representing Don Lorenzo...

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Cooperation Path 3

The itinerary is signposted with panels representing Don Lorenzo...

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Il Sentiero didattico dell'Avéz del Prinzep

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Il Bosco Certificato

Percorso didattico che da Fondo sale alla località Regole di Malosco.

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