Il Bosco Certificato

Percorso didattico che da Fondo sale alla località Regole di Malosco.

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4 - Sentiero della Primavera - Dar Staige von långez

Spring is the season of nature's reawakening, the time of year when...

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Torrente Centa and its River Park

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the Potato Trail

“Sentiero della Patata”, the Potato Trail, runs through the...

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The walnut trail

“Sentiero della noce”, the walnut trail, runs across the Bleggio...

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Dalle storie alla Storia - Luserna

Suggested to: families, children +6 y.o. Sights: views of Luserna,...

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Discover alpine meadows through intresting info boards.

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Lavarone Green Land - Drago Vaia - Partenza da Parco Palù

Opera realizzata dallo scultore veneto Marco Martalar in località...

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