Municipal Swimming-pool in Spiazzo Rendena

Swimming-pool in Val Rendena

Indoor swimming-pools in Spiazzo Rendena

© photo apiudesign

Roncegno – Spa Park’s outdoor swimming pool

The pool is located in a quiet position and surrounded by a...

Centro Piscine Molveno

Centro Piscine Molveno

Structure with outdoor pools and sunbathing lawn

Where to do sports in Trento

Madonna Bianca Sports Centre

Recently re-styled and expanded sports centre, with a large, well-lit...

Pejo indoor swimming-pool

Indoor swimming-pool at the Spas

Swimming-pool in Riva del Garda

Municipal Indoor Swimming-pool

Folgaria – Swimming Centre

Folgaria Swimming Centre

Indoor swimming pools which are part of the sports hall in Folgaria

G. Manazzon Sports Centre

G. Manazzon Sports Centre

In Trento, the center offers indoor and outdoor swimming pools...

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