Fucina Marinelli | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Marinelli Forge

Maso Curio "Ca da mont"

Casa Curio Cà da Mont is the most interesting colonial house...

Irone - the phantom village

Iron is a Medieval village that was completely decimated by the...

Valsugana Ecomuseum

A series of itineraries to explore the identity of the local area...

Miniera Grua

Miniera - Museo Grua va Hardömbl

Bringing back the mine's original atmosphere.

Percorso della trementina - The Path of Turpentine

The Path of Turpentine in Val di Sole has been designed to keep alive...

Banco de la Resòn | © Foto Apt Val di Fiemme

Banco de la Resòn

Place of discussion for the Comunità and of witch trials

Casa degli Artisti - APT GardaTrentino - ph. R. Vuilleumier | © Casa degli Artisti - APT GardaTrentino - ph. R. Vuilleumier

Casa degli Artisti

The Casa degli Artisti turn Tenno into an appealing residence for...

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