Alpine Botanical Garden, Viote del Monte Bondone

The biodiversity of the plant species of the world’s greatest...

Ledro Land Art

Art in the woods

Walk to the ogre's bridge

Orme dei Dinosauri

Dinosaur Tracks

Rovereto boasts Italy's largest deposit of fossilised dinosaur prints

Grotte Castello Tesino

Grotte Castello Tesino

The mouths of the caves of Castello Tesino are found inside the deep,...

Parco Fluviale Novella | © Photo Associazione Parco Fluviale Novella

Parco Fluviale Novella

Novella River Park features a trail to help visitors discover hidden...

Limarò Canyon

The Limarò Canyon close to the spa town of Terme di Comano is...

Giardino dei Ciucioi

A hanging garden like no other

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