Cascata Ragaiolo

Walking on the suspended rope bridge

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The Cascata del Lupo Path

One of the classic walks in the district of  Bedollo

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The Varone Waterfall

A charming place near Lake Garda

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Val-di-Ledro-Gorg-d-Abiss-Stefania-Oradini | © Val-di-Ledro-Gorg-d-Abiss-Stefania-Oradini

Cascata del Gorg d'Abiss

A hidden waterfall

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Panoramica 53a57 Valle di Daone cascata

Cascate Val Daone

These icy waterfalls form on countless rivers and torrents when winter cold turns everything still 

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Lares waterfalls

Spectacular waterfalls formed by the Rio Lares, in Val di Genova

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