DBT variant stage 5 : Rifugio ai Brentei - Rifugio Pedrotti Tosa
Mountain tour
DBT variant stage 5 : Rifugio ai Brentei - Rifugio Pedrotti Tosa
<p> <strong>Variant of the fifth stage</strong> of the "Dolomiti di Brenta Trek" route, <strong>from Rifugio ai Brentei to Rifugio Pedrotti Tosa</strong>. </p>
<p>The total walking time from Rifugio Brentei to Rifugio Pedrotti Tosa via Rifugio XII Apostoli and Rifugio Agostini is 8.30 hours along paths graded EEA-MD, that is requiring climbing aids and therefore suitable for expert hikers equipped with harnesses, helmets and crampons. <strong>The following alternative route permits you to avoid the mountaineering paths and vie ferrate</strong> and to shorten the time it takes to go from Rifugio Brentei to Rifugio Pedrotti Tosa.</p>