6 walks to 6 alpine lakes

From easy strolls to challenging hikes: find the walk for you!

If you love the mountains, you know that the beauty of a place is something you have to earn, step by step. And the joy of reaching the top is all the greater for the effort involved. As if the thrust of the muscles and the pull of the breath prepare your eyes for that final thrill. All the more so with the insuperable charm of a mountain lake – especially in autumn, when the limpid surface ripples with the reflected glory of the colourful foliage.

Quiet, peaceful and immersed in an exhilarating natural setting, these little alpine lakes offer great pleasure for those ready to do the legwork.

There are nearly 300 here in Trentino. And we’ve chosen 6 of them for you to explore on walks of varying length, duration and intensity. Where shall we begin?

Before setting out on an excursion at altitude, plan your trip with care. If you are inexperienced or you intend to tackle a route graded as technically difficult, then consult an alpine or mountain guide. You should also contact the refuge warden in the area you’ll be visiting for the latest weather information and to discuss whether your route is advisable. Take prudent precautions, wear suitable clothing for your route, and remember to act responsibly in the mountains at all times.


Laghetto delle Prese, Valsugana

The first lake on our list is in Valsugana, and it’s super-easy to reach. It’s only a 90-minute round trip, much of it on the forest road. The trees with their autumn finery will leave you speechless.


Lake Santo, Cembra

This circular walk is a little longer (4h 30m in all), but it’s quite straightforward. You set out from the village of Cembra and pass through woods and meadows before reaching the lovely little glacial lake.


Lake Covel, Val di Sole

This is another undemanding excursion, lasting about 3 hours and with limited ups and downs. The lake is surrounded by pasture and is well worth exploring, especially to the nearby Covel falls and Malga Covel farm for its gorgeous goat cheese.


Lake Calaita, Pale di San Martino

This one is more of a challenge, although the lake offers unrivalled views of the Pale di San Martino. Not everyone will be suited to the duration or the climbs, but if you know your way around a mountain, you’ll be fine. Still feeling energetic? There’s a detour on the way back, to explore Lake Pisorno and its curious legend.


Lake Lagusel, Val di Fassa

Probably the hardest of the lot, this trek is only for the physically fit – although the stunning landscape makes it well worthwhile. The route leads you among streams, pinewoods and alpine pastures until the splendid lake finally meets your eye. It’s a true oasis of peace in the heart of the mountains.


Lake Nambino

A gorgeous lake and a welcoming lodge which is reachable by three routes, each one a different length and degree of physical challenge, but easy enough for the little ones. The much admired destination is a welcoming lodge on the banks of a small alpine lake, in the middle of the woods, not far from Madonna di Campiglio. ps: For summer 2022, trail B06 from Patascoss to Lake Nambino will be fully accessible, open to everyone and able to meet the needs of the disabled.

Published on 05/09/2022