View from the old Ponale

Narrow curves, tunnels excavated in the rock, breathtaking views over...

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Giro del Laitelar-Piccoli

Suggested to: adults, children +8 y.o. Sights: the "Three bishops"...

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7 - Giro del Paradiso

Anticamente la parte pascoliva del monte Cornetto (1610 m di quota)...

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El Caputel – history and natural beauties of Molveno

El Caputel – a walk between the history and the natural beauties of...

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Cavalese - Panoramic walk

Relaxing walk in the Cavalese park among secular lime trees. Some...

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8 - A Guardia, il paese dipinto

E' uno dei luoghi più affascinanti dell'Alpe Cimbra dove la storia...

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Anello all'eremo di San Pancrazio

Semplice escursione a monte del paese di Campodenno.

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Giro del Rust

Mount Rust is a hill that rises between Lake Lavarone and the...

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