Ferrata Fausto Susatti - Cima Capi

Easy and beginner-friendly ferrata, which nonetheless has plenty to...

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Via Ferrata del Burrone Giovanelli (SAT footpath 505)

A well-known and fascinating protected path climbing steeply up a...

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Dolomiti Palaronda Quick Tour Sud -1st stage

Palaronda Ferrata Quick Tours are experiences designed for the lovers...

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SOSAT, a via ferrata in the Brenta Dolomites

The SOSAT via ferrata heads into the heart of the Brenta Dolomites...

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Ferrata delle Aquile (Eagles Via Ferrata)

New, panoramic, adventurous: in other words, the Ferrata delle Aquile.

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Dolomiti Palaronda Quick Tour South - 3rd stage

Palaronda Ferrata Quick Tours are experiences designed for the lovers...

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Gustavo Vidi Via Ferrata – Brenta Dolomites

Rather than a traditional Via Ferrata, this is actually a partially...

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Bocchette Centrali

The first part of the most spectacular via ferrata of Brenta...

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