Val di Non Castel Thun photo Pio Geminiani | © Val di Non Castel Thun photo Pio Geminiani

Thun Castle

The splendid castle of the Thun family nestled amongst the apple...

© Foto Archivio Apt

Castel Pietra

A castle to live in

Castel Beseno | © Foto Archivio Apt

Beseno Castle

A great setting for shows and historical reenactments, the castle is...

Valle del Chiese - Bondone - Castello San Giovanni

Castel San Giovanni

Overlooking Lake Idro

Trento - Castello del Buoncosiglio - Buonconsiglio Castle | © sara-lorenzini-instawalk-trento18

Buonconsiglio Castle

A dive into history

Medieval places to visit in Trentino in the autumn - from September to November

Castle of Avio

The FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano [Italian Environmental Fund]...

Castel Noarna

Famous for its rich cellar, with about 35,000 bottles of wine

Castel Drena

A true medieval fortress

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