Castel San Giovanni
It used to be the checkpoint of the roads between the Chiese river and Lake Garda
On the road from Baitoni to Bondone is a natural bastion on which was built S. Giovanni Castle, owned for centuries by the powerful Lodron family.
It can be reached on foot only in two ways: by walking on a dirt road from the car park (15 minutes) or taking the path from Baitoni, near the car park in Miralago (20-30 minutes).
Its location, on a rocky spur hanging over the waters of Lake Idro, suggests that the castrum can be identified precisely with San Giovanni Castle. As with other castles of the Chiese Valley run by the Lodrons, the military aspect clearly prevails on the residential one. Built with the granite from far away quarries in Daone, the castle fell into disrepair due to the continuous spoliation suffered at the hands of local people, keen to seize some valuable building material. Today the castle, owned by the Town of Bondone, appears well preserved: recent restoration works have allowed to bring back its original aspect.
Weather in Valli Giudicarie and Valle del Chiese
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