Medieval places to visit in Trentino in the autumn - from September to November

Castle of Avio

The FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano [Italian Environmental Fund] welcomes you to the Vallagarina vineyards

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© Foto Archivio Apt

Toblino Castle

The home of the fairies

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Castel Noarna

Famous for its rich cellar, with about 35,000 bottles of wine

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Arco Castle

A stroll through the olive trees leads to the old Rocca [Fortress]

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Valli Giudicarie - Castel Stenico | © Foto Archivio Apt

Stenico Castle

Between art and history

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Castel Beseno | © Foto Archivio Apt

Beseno Castle

A great setting for shows and historical reenactments, the castle is the largest fortified complex in Trentino

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Castel Pergine

Sleep in awe of history in Upper Valsugana

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© Foto Archivio Apt

Castel Valer

The castle, owned by Count Ulrico Spaur is now open to the public

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