
It is amazing to see the way wood has been used for both construction and furnishing purposes

Filzerhof | © Filzerhof
Filzerhof | © Filzerhof
Filzerhof | © Filzerhof
Filzerhof | © Filzerhof

Go on a journey of discovery through the everyday life of the Mòcheno community: German-speaking colonists who settled in this valley from the 13th century onwards.

Step back in time and find out how the Mòcheno community lived hundreds of years ago. The existing structure of the Filzerhof (Filzer farmhouse) dates back to the 18th century. It was bought by the Istituto Culturale Mòcheno (Mòcheno Cultural Institute) and restoration work was carried out, with all of the traditional features being kept intact. The masonry ground floor contains both residential and agricultural rooms: one door leads to the stable (stòll) and another leads to an old kitchen (òlt hous) with a bread oven, the kitchen (haus) and the bedrooms (kòmmern).

In one of the latter, visitors can learn about the Mòcheno language. The upper floor is almost entirely used for storage of fodder. There is also an indoor threshing floor (stodl) and a small room that is accessed via the balcony. The roof is made of larch shingles: approximately 3,000 of them were required to replace the old roof and they were all made individually and by hand, using wood from the trees in the valley! 

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Laboratorio Farmaceutico Foletto | © Foto Archivio Consorzio per il Turismo della Valle Di Ledro

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Istituto Culturale Ladino - APT Val di Fassa - ph M. Montibeller | © Istituto Culturale Ladino - APT Val di Fassa - ph M. Montibeller

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Antica segheria veneziana Taialacqua

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Ecomuseo della Val di Peio | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

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