The water path

Predazzo is a town rich in fountains: they are all different and with their own history.
In the past, fountains were a place of socialization: women did the laundry there, chatted and gossiped about the neighbourhood and collected drinkable water. Each family carried the water home in the “cranzedei”, copper buckets hanging from the “ciampedon”, a slightly-curved stick equipped with hooks. To transport the buckets of water, they carried this particular stick on their shoulders. At home, they hung the buckets on the “traosel”, a wooden furniture, and there was always a “casot”, a ladle to draw the water, next to it.
After the fountains restoration, the Municipality of Predazzo planned a 3 km long itinerary, consisting of 20 different spots around town, to rediscover these precious sources of water and the historical centre. Along the itinerary, accessible all year round, next to each fountain there is an information board with details about the history and some old pictures of the fountains.
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