Magnifica Corte Trapp

Magnifica Corte Trapp

Since the 13th centrury, the Magnifica Corte Trapp was a seat of...

Torre di Pozza

Torre di Pozza is the only example of a fort featured by Val di Fassa.

Palazzo Scopoli - Tonadico | © Foto APT San Martino di Castrozza passo Rolle Primiero e Vanoi

Palazzo Scopoli

From being the seat of power to becoming the Casa del Cibo (House of...

Palazzo del Ben

Palazzo Del Ben

The elegant Renaissance headquarters of the Fondazione Cassa di...

Palazzo Alberti Poja

The palazzo faces onto Corso Bettini and together with Palazzo ...

Case Cazuffi - Rella

Casa Cazuffi and Casa Rella - two painted Medieval houses overlooking...

Palace of Justice (Palazzo Assessorile)

Palazzo Assessorile stands at the entrance to via Roma in the...