Sailing Du Lac by Surfsegnana
Located on the beach of Riva del Garda, the Sailing Du Lac offers guests top quality services and provides sailing, catamaran and windsurfing classes for all skill levels

as well as hiring out dinghies for both kids and adults, Topcat and Hobie Cat catamarans, mini-cabin cruisers, windsurfs, canoes, Nordic walking equipment and Scott mountain-bikes. The club organizes courses for a maximum of 5 beginners - 2 if strong wind cat is concerned. As such students can learn - in just a few days - the techniques to both take out a boat on their own, and attain a VDWS sailing, cat or windsurfing license, which is recognised worldwide.
The Sailing du Lac centre boasts the perfect position to hold a wide array of courses. It organizes kids, beginners and intermediate classes in the morning, and more advanced courses in the afternoon - to make the best of the famous "Ora del Garda" breeze.
Weather in Garda Trentino and Valle di Ledro
Sep 30
Oct 01
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