Extraordinary natural scenarios in Valle dei Laghi, scattered with splendid hamlets and celebrated with Christmas holiday events and infinite opportunities for a visit. Don't miss the “Spirito Artigiano nel borgo della grappa” event, with “Vite di Luce” and the “Night of Burning Stills”! Just fifteen minutes by car from Trento lies the breath-taking Valle dei Laghi: about ten enchanting lakes, wonderfully oriented grape-growing plots of land and fabulous hamlets and medieval castles. This territory has an abundant food and wine heritage, celebrated with themed events and appointments linked with the history and traditions of the communities of this enchanted valley: the magic of Valle dei Laghi is relived in every hamlet, each with its landscape and architectural wealth, with festivities linked to the Christmas traditions and with trails among landscapes of rare beauty.
In the “Spirito Artigiano nel borgo della grappa” event relives the handicraft tradition of the inhabitants of the ancient hamlet of Santa Massenza, which for years now has been creating that magical atmosphere... The combination between historical peculiarities and landscape attractions, together with the artistic, craft, and food and wine offers of Valle dei Laghi, all make the event even more appealing and interesting in terms of both culture and promotion of local products. Visitors may appreciate the views of town corners - of ancient "vaults" not to be seen anywhere else... The Christmas atmosphere, moreover, channels the pleasure of perceiving flavours, scents, and aromas that are typical of Valle dei Laghi.
The intimacy of the small markets and the tradition of the ancient art of lambicàr (distillation) make Christmas unique in Valle dei Laghi... VITE DI LUCE (literally: lighted grapevines) lights up Santa Massenza, a hamlet under the Municipality of Vallelaghi, creating a special Christmas atmosphere: a craft market that fills the streets of the town over the long weekend of the Immaculate Conception from Saturday 5 to Tuesday 8 December 2016, and in the following weekends on 12-13 December and 19-20 December. Local products and open distilleries, entertainment for children and street performances will complete the scene in this picturesque location.
The “Notte degli alambicchi accesi (night of burning stills) is, on the other hand, a highly anticipated event linked with Christmas in Valle dei Laghi: on 8, 9 and 10 December 2016, a travelling show dedicated to the "histories of grappa" comes to life in the streets of the hamlet of Santa Massenza, the cradle of Trentino craft grappa.
During the Christmas Markets in Santa Massenza it is also possible, in Valle dei Laghi, to try a surprising experience, through original itineraries, where water becomes energy... A fascinating voyage to the discovery of the wonders concealed by the Hydroelectric Plant of Santa Massenza, which, thanks to the Hydrotour Project by Gruppo Dolomiti Energia, has opened its doors to the public with new exhibitions to show young and old visitors how the force of water is transformed into clean energy. The offer by Hydrotour Dolomiti is valid all year round... but at Christmas time it is a truly magical and surprising experience!
During the same period, and precisely from Thursday 8 to Sunday 11 December 2016, there is also the traditional Christmas Market in Cavedine, which brings the town of the same name to life with several activities and performances for young and old: the local associations show their craftworks in their stalls, while shows and various workshops animate the town in its Christmas setting. There are several concerts and musical moments: a merry opening with the musical band of Cavedine and a final concert by the Cima Verde choir.
The Living Nativity Scene of Calavino attracts numerous crowds with its traditional charm: a sacred representation in the ancient lobbies of the Mas quarter, the oldest part of the town, accompanied by a small craft market and food and wine stands. The event is repeated on 26 December 2016 and 06 January 2017.
A splendid territory in the heart of the Dolomites, just a short distance from Trento, Valle dei Laghi is an uninterrupted expanse of bodies of water, hills and rich vineyards, where the local grappa - a precious treasure in the area and the queen of a renowned traditional event - is made. The town of Santa Massenza, the cradle of the local craft of making one of the most renowned grappas in the world, organises the "Notte degli alambicchi accesi” (Night of Burning Stills) event, a festival of flavours and evocative atmospheres, which will invade the streets of this little town in Trentino from Thursday 8 to Saturday 10 December 2016.
In the warmth of fully operational distilleries, the spectators, equipped with headphones, will be accompanied through the streets of the town to watch, in a fun and original way, all phases of the process, while listening to the "grappa stories". Actually, the voyage they will go on in Santa Massenza, the homeland of Trentino Grappa, is really inebriating: tastings in historical distilleries and an original travelling theatrical play to discover the charm and secrets of an ancient distillation tradition. An appointment in which to relive the magic of the past, to celebrate the exquisiteness of today, and to toast to an eternally successful future.
The Night of Burning Stills is a project organised by the "Santa Massenza Piccola Nizza de Trent" Cultural Association, Trentino Marketing, APT Trento, Monte Bondone, Valle dei Laghi, and Istituto Tutela Grappa del Trentino, with the collaboration of the Valley Community, the Pro Loco Valle dei Laghi Trento Monte Bondone Tourist Consortium and the Municipality of Vallelaghi.
Details of offers, holiday ideas, and further information on the territory:
APT Trento, Monte Bondone, Valle dei Laghi
Trento Information Office: Piazza Dante 24 - 38122 Trento
Tel. 0461.216000 – Email – Website
Facebook page: Trento Monte Bondone Valle dei Laghi