From Tiarno di Sopra to Lake Ampola
Hiking trail
From Tiarno di Sopra to Lake Ampola
Lake Ledro is not the only lake in Valle di Ledro.
Lake Ampola is a small pond which has remained untouched by man and thus provides a perfect habitat to frogs and pollywogs, reeds and water lilies. The pond can be easily reached from Tiarno di Sopra with a short walk in the wood or along the cycling path. Beati come rane su una foglia di ninfea (i.e. Happy like frogs on a water lily). The Visitor Centre by Lake Ampola is named after the Italian title of Tom Robbins’ novel ‘Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas’. There, you can learn more about the pond’s flora and fauna. The best time to visit Lake Ampola and its visitor centre is Spring, when the water lilies are in bloom!