Maso Curio "Ca da mont"

Casa Curio Cà da Mont is the most interesting colonial house in Val Rendena.

Maso Curio "Ca da mont"
Maso Curio "Ca da mont"

Another rural artefact of Rendena architecture is the Maso Curio di Caderzone farmhouse. It is a monument to council housing dating back to the 14th century. Located on a flat alluvial terrace, Casa Curio features both brickwork and wood; its rustic portico is held up by huge larch pillars and stands on granite stones. Especially remarkable are the cobbled pavement, the wooden superstructures, the shingled span-roof, the ruins of the dairy and the fountains. The first floor includes the "tabià", with its hole in the pavement to let hay drop directly into the stables. A samples of various techniques used in wood processing is highlighted in this huge building, which has managed to last longer than if it were made of concrete. Covering a surface of about 500 m², the farmhouse has recently been refurbished. Its pristine livestock breeding function - still practised today according to traditional methods - has been purposely maintained.
The fresco on the Eastern façade of the building represents Sant'Antonio Abate, patron of animals, and Santa Barbara, patroness of lightning and fire, which actually hit the farmhouse in 1537. Casa Curio stages a popular legend of three brothers, who came from Padania [River Po area] and settled in Caderzone with their herds. Here they built three houses: in Curio, in Salamon and in Jamòn. The Salamon house was swept away by a landslide, the Jamòn house was destroyed by fire. Only the Curio house survived, the largest and strongest of all.


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