Fontanazzo Biotope

The Fontanazzo Biotope, located on a site of over 50 hectares, lies...

Malga Laghetto Biotope

The Malga Laghetto Biotope is a wonderful natural gem lying within in...

Riserva guidata Campobrun

The Campobrun guided nature reserve - a wildlife sanctuary in the...

Riserva integrale Tre Cime del Monte Bondone

The Tre Cime del Monte Bondone integral nature reserve is one of the...

Marocche di Dro

Marocche di Dro Biotope bears witness to the history of the glaciers.

Oasi Valtrigona - photo Associazione WWF Trentino | © Oasi Valtrigona - photo Associazione WWF Trentino

Oasi di Valtrigona

The Valtrigona wildlife sanctuary is located high up in the...



This vast peat bog located at the bottom of the valley is...

Lavini di Marco

The protected area on the slopes of Mount Zugna, Lavini di Marco is...

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