Riva del Garda hydroelectric power plant

Where architecture and engineering embrace water and release energy

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Arco Castle

A stroll through the olive trees leads to the old Rocca [Fortress]

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Casa degli Artisti - APT GardaTrentino - ph. R. Vuilleumier | © Casa degli Artisti - APT GardaTrentino - ph. R. Vuilleumier

Casa degli Artisti

The Casa degli Artisti turn Tenno into an appealing residence for both Italian and foreign artists.

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Chiesa di San Lorenzo Tenno | © Foto di Roberto Vuilleumier - Archivio Apt Garda

San Lorenzo Church

The church is situated at the southernmost end of the village of Frapporta

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Collegiata S. Maria Assunta - Arco- ph Roberto Vuilleumier | © Collegiata S. Maria Assunta - Arco- ph Roberto Vuilleumier

Collegiata di S. Maria Assunta

One of the most important Renaissance churches in Trentino.

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Valli Giudicarie - Bleggio - Rango

Ecomuseo della Judicaria

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Chiesa dell'Inviolata

The Church of the Inviolata is the most important Baroque church in Trentino.

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Rocca di Riva

Today, Rocca di Riva houses the Civic Museum of Riva del Garda.

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