Nagià Grom

Life in the trenches

The Austro-Hungarian monumental cemetery in Bondo

The memory of a whole generation

Fort Larino

A formidable barrier

Forte Strino | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Strino Fort

Discovering the White War

Galleria Paradiso | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Paradiso Tunnel

Shivers in the ice

The Bell of the Fallen

For whom the Peace Bell tolls

Forte Luserna | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra

Fort Campo Luserna

the first target of the Italians

Forte Belvedere | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra

Forte Belvedere Gschwendt

The Fortress of Emotions

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