Museo del Miele - The Honey Museum

The Honey Museum, in Tobia near Lavarone, provides an insight into the magical world of bees

Museo del Miele | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra
Museo del Miele | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra
Museo del Miele | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra
Museo del Miele | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra

The displays illustrate how this precious natural product has been made from remote times right up to the present day; exhibits include a variety of skeps, honey presses and beehives from all over the world. There is a shop on the upper floor, next to the children's educational section, where honey from the Altipiani and various other goods made from honey such as liqueurs, spirits, sweets, bars of soap and decorated candles can be purchased.

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