Bees’ Mill Museum

Discover the amazing world of bees

A fascinating place where bees, beekeeping, honey and biodiversity are discussed, where science and nature give life to new stimuli, allowing you to obtain a deeper understanding of this extraordinary world.

A real social laboratory, the first and only one in Trentino, where – in the company of beekeepers – you can see all the phases of honey extraction, taste the sweet nectar and buy products of the hive, coming exclusively from the small local companies.

This is not just a Museum, it is also an ancient water mill that is situated in a protected natural area (Ontaneta di Croviana) recognised as a Site of Community Interest, close to many walks and the Val di Sole cycle path.

Expert guides will accompany you along a fascinating interactive route to get to know the life of bees and their efficient social organisation.

And if, after entering their nest, listening to the sounds and having smelled the scents of this wonderful world, you are still curious, a staff of experts will be able to answer any questions you may have.

Near the MMape site there is the green area called “Le Plaze”, set in a bright conifer forest, which offers refreshment and picnic facilities.

MMape’s proposal:

• guided tour of the museum,

• tasting of local honey,

• visit to the flight room

• projection of films on beekeeping and the world of bees

School Specials. For schools, there are personalised visit programmes that can include educational workshops and role activities:


The MMape | Mulino Museo dell’Ape is located in Croviana (TN) in Via Al Molin,3. It can be reached very easily and you can choose to come:

• on foot, by walking along the paths and the Nordic walking trails, from the village or from the forest

• by bike, along the Val di Sole bike trail in Croviana

• by public transport, by choosing the Trento-Malè-Marilleva railway or the Suburban buses of Trentino Trasporti (stop at 700 m)

• by private vehicles, following the directions to Plaze, a village in the municipality of Croviana or setting the destination “MMape” on Google Maps


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Museo della Civiltà Solandra (Val di Sole)
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