MART, the Trento and Rovereto Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

A fantastic voyage through contemporary art

The elegant dome designed by starchitect Mario Botta welcomes you into Trentino’s most important museum of modern and contemporary art. An unmissable treat for art lovers!

One of the most visited museums in Trentino and a top destination for modern and contemporary art. This spectacular structure, designed by starchitect Mario Botta, is home to a permanent collection of around 20,000 works of art by such famous names as Hayez, Boccioni and De Chirico. Particular attention is paid to the major artistic movements of the last century, with a focus on Futurism.

The contemporary collection is vast, with works of art by Pistoletto, Burri, Fontana, Merz, and such stars of international art as Morris, Fulton and Abramovic. The schedule of temporary exhibits, events and workshops is rich and well-designed, including options for children.

And last but not least: the elegant bistro and Michelin-starred chef Alfio Ghezzi's restaurant Senso, housed below the dome itself.



Depero House of Futurist Art
Depero House of Futurist Art
Rovereto hosts a...
The Italian War History Museum
The Italian War History Museum
In the castle of Rovereto,...
Castel Beseno | © Foto Archivio Apt
Beseno Castle
A great setting for shows and...

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Parco Archeo Natura Fiavé - ph. I.Moser- copyright Soprintendenza Beni Culturali PAT | © Parco Archeo Natura Fiavé - ph. I.Moser- copyright Soprintendenza Beni Culturali PAT

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Castel Beseno | © Foto Archivio Apt

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© Foto Archivio Apt

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Castel Beseno | © Foto Archivio Apt

Beseno Castle

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Castel Noarna

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Medieval places to visit in Trentino in the autumn - from September to November

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© Foto Archivio Apt

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Orto dei Semplici - Brentonico - Museo Civico di Rovereto | © Orto dei Semplici - Brentonico - Museo Civico di Rovereto

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Parco_Monte_Baldo_Autunno_Nicola_Campostrini | © Parco_Monte_Baldo_Autunno_Nicola_Campostrini

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Riserva naturale della Scanuppia

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Orto dei Semplici - Brentonico - Museo Civico di Rovereto | © Orto dei Semplici - Brentonico - Museo Civico di Rovereto

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