Serraia Lake
This charming lake, awarded with the Blue Flag, is a perfect destination for adults and children, for a relaxing day in the middle of nature

At 974 m above sea level, amidst woods, reeds and meadows, Serraia Lake at Baselga di Piné is on a wide plain. There is a pleasant path all round the lake, which also continues on to the other lake of the plateau, Piazze Lake. Perfect for adults and children, for a day on the plateau in the middle of nature, practising sports or simply relaxing on the lake shore.
Contact & Directions
APT Altopiano di Piné e Valle di CembraVia C. Battisti, 110
38042 Baselga di Pinè , Italy
Visit Website
Weather in Altopiano di Pine' and Valle di Cembra
Sep 30
Oct 01
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