Lake Tovel - The legend of the red lake

The jewel of the Brenta Park

Lake Tovel, in the territory of the brown bear, is undoubtedly worth visiting, armed with a camera, to “catch” the exceptional character of a place rich in flora and fauna.

Even to this day, Lake Tovel is famous for the red water phenomenon, unique in the world, although that does not occur any more. Until the mid-60s, in summer a special alga would come to the surface and the expanse of water would turn bright red. A number of strange stories and legends, such as the Queen Tresenga one, originated to explain this extraordinary event.

Today, Lake Tovel is one of the naturalistic gems of the Adamello Brenta Nature Park. A visit gives the opportunity to get in full contact with nature: the nearest town, Tuenno, is 14 km away.

To walk all around the lake you need about an hour and a half, and there are many other paths in the surroundings. Here, between 1999 and 2002, the brown bear was reintroduced into the environment. The animal that is the symbol of the park is celebrated in the Casa del Parco Lago Rosso [Visitor house of the Red Lake Park] near the lake, set up in collaboration with MUSE: an occasion to view texts, photographs, films and reconstructions that highlight the charm of the place.

Road to the lake is normally closed in the winter period (November - March).


Lakes and scenic landscapes when the leaves fall
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Adamello Brenta Nature Park
Adamello Brenta Nature Park
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