Caldes Castle

Recently restored, the castle is located at the entrance to Val di Sole

A Gothic style castle which incorporates traces of three different cultures, as well as an intriguing ancient legend. Take advantage of the wide range of cultural events on offer to explore it.

Constructed in the 13th century, legend has it that this Gothic-style castle was used as a prison for the noblewoman Olinda, for the crime of falling in love with a minstrel. Initially intended to maintain control over the valley, along with the Rocca di Samoclevo which overlooks it, the manor was acquired by the Thun family in 1464.

The most recent changes to the structure date back to the sixteenth century and include the construction of a chapel dedicated to the Nativity of Mary, decorated with frescoes by the painter Elia Naurizio. Today, the building is part of the Buonconsiglio network of castles and is home to period furniture, works of art, and the stube del conte or Count’s Parlour, recently restored to its ancient splendour. The castle is open in summer and hosts cultural events, exhibitions, performances, concerts, guided tours and workshops for families.


Val di Rabbi
Val di Rabbi
One of the most picturesque...
Malè - Val di Sole - Mulino Museo dell’Ape –  Discover the incredible world of bees
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Castello di Ossana | © Foto Archivio Apt
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Stenico Castle

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Buonconsiglio Castle

A dive into history

Rovereto Castle

The castle hosts the Italian Historical War Museum

Castel Noarna

Famous for its rich cellar, with about 35,000 bottles of wine

Bastione di Riva - ph. Pio Geminiani | © 25067 - Archivio Trentino Marketing  - Bastione di Riva - ph. Pio Geminiani

Bastione di Riva

One of the symbols of the city

Castel Drena

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Castel San Giovanni

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Castel Pergine

Sleep in awe of history in Upper Valsugana

Valli Giudicarie - Castel Stenico | © Foto Archivio Apt

Stenico Castle

Between art and history

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Trento - Castello del Buoncosiglio - Buonconsiglio Castle | © sara-lorenzini-instawalk-trento18

Buonconsiglio Castle

An immersion in history, an absolute must for anyone visiting Trento

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Rovereto Castle

It is currently home to the Italian War Museum

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Castel Noarna

Famous for its rich cellar, with about 35,000 bottles of wine

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Bastione di Riva - ph. Pio Geminiani | © 25067 - Archivio Trentino Marketing  - Bastione di Riva - ph. Pio Geminiani

Bastione di Riva

One of the symbols of the city

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Castel Drena

A true medieval fortress

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Castel San Giovanni

It used to be the checkpoint of the roads between the Chiese river and Lake Garda

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Castel Pergine

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Bees’ Mill Museum

Discover the amazing world of bees

Forte Strino | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Strino Fort

Discovering the White War

Ecomuseo Val Meledrio | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Val Meledrio Eco-Museum

Ecomuseo della Val di Peio | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Alpine Dairy Museum

Museo della Guerra Bianca | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Museum of the Mountain War

On the trail of the Great War

Museo della Guerra Bianca | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Pejo 1914-1918. The War at the Door

Segheria di Malè | © Segheria di Malè - Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Malé Sawmill

Malga Talè | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Malga Talè - The Capercaillie Wood

Bees’ Mill Museum

Discover the amazing world of bees

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Forte Strino | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Strino Fort

One of the symbols of a terrible conflict fought at high altitude

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Ecomuseo Val Meledrio | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Val Meledrio Eco-Museum

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Ecomuseo della Val di Peio | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Alpine Dairy Museum

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Museo della Guerra Bianca | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Museum of the Mountain War

On the trail of the Great War

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Museo della Guerra Bianca | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Pejo 1914-1918. The War at the Door

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Segheria di Malè | © Segheria di Malè - Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Malé Sawmill

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Malga Talè | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Malga Talè - The Capercaillie Wood

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Galleria Paradiso | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Paradiso Tunnel

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Forte Strino | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Strino Fort

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Museo della Guerra Bianca | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Museum of the Mountain War

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Punta Linke (3629 m a.s.l.) Ortles-Cevedale – Pejo

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Museo della Guerra Bianca | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Pejo 1914-1918. The War at the Door

Galleria Paradiso | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Paradiso Tunnel

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Forte Strino | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Strino Fort

One of the symbols of a terrible conflict fought at high altitude

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Museo della Guerra Bianca | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Museum of the Mountain War

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Punta Linke (3629 m a.s.l.) Ortles-Cevedale – Pejo

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Museo della Guerra Bianca | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Pejo 1914-1918. The War at the Door

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Val di Sole - Stelvio - Pra di Saent

Stelvio National Park

Untouched nature

RRiserve_Alto_Noce_48_giorgio_rizzi | © RRiserve_Alto_Noce_48_giorgio_rizzi

Network of Nature Reserves - Alto Noce

Castles, mills, and ancient traditions

Val di Peio

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Val Meledrio

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Lago dei Caprioli

This typical Alpine lake is the ideal starting-point for treks.

Torbiera del Tonale | © Torbiera del Tonale - Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Tonale Peatbog

An exceptionally high level of biodiversity

Cascata_del_Pison2019_Archivio_APT_Val_di_Sole_Ph_Giacomo_Podetti | © Ph_Giacomo_Podetti

The Pison Waterfalls

A fascinating waterfall in the gorge of the Val Meledrio

Cascata Ragaiolo

Walking on the suspended rope bridge

Val di Sole - Stelvio - Pra di Saent

Stelvio National Park

The many facets of one of Italy’s oldest protected areas

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RRiserve_Alto_Noce_48_giorgio_rizzi | © RRiserve_Alto_Noce_48_giorgio_rizzi

Network of Nature Reserves - Alto Noce

Castles, mills, and ancient traditions

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Val di Peio

A small valley located in Trentino portion of Stelvio National Park

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Val Meledrio

One of the wildest and most pristine environments in the Val di Sole, within the National Park Adamello Brenta

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Lago dei Caprioli

This typical Alpine lake is the ideal starting-point for treks.

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Torbiera del Tonale | © Torbiera del Tonale - Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Tonale Peatbog

An exceptionally high level of biodiversity

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Cascata_del_Pison2019_Archivio_APT_Val_di_Sole_Ph_Giacomo_Podetti | © Ph_Giacomo_Podetti

The Pison Waterfalls

A fascinating waterfall in the gorge of the Val Meledrio

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Cascata Ragaiolo

Walking on the suspended rope bridge

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