Casa della SAT

The Casa della SAT in Trento tells the story of Alpinism in Trentino and of the first ascents

Casa della SAT
Casa della SAT

The House of Tridentine Alpinists Association (SAT) is hosted on the ground floor of the Casa della Sat House in Trento. On display are the documents, photographs and memorabilia of mountaineering in Trentino and of the history of the association, heir to the "Società Alpina del Trentino", founded in Madonna di Campiglio in 1872 with the aim of disseminating knowledge on, and promoting care for, Trentino's mountains.
The museum was officially opened in 1984 in order to illustrate the establishment of Sat starting from its foundation deed. The exhibition displays a collection of material regarding Alpine guides and of some precious summit log books signed by 19th century renowned Dolomites mountaineers. Another section highlights the museum's numerous publications, the history of the first climbing and mountaineering trails, the first important ascents and the relationship with irredentism. The walls display a large collection of 19th century mountain climbing equipment.


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