The Italian War History Museum
In the castle of Rovereto, memories of the Venetian rule and of the Great War
The majestic rooms of the castle in Rovereto are home to uniforms, armour, weapons and documents that tell the story of more than five centuries of battles and conflicts, from the Renaissance to the First World War.
This is one of the top war museums in Italy and it attracts numerous history enthusiasts, thanks especially to the section about the First World War. The collection features uniforms, weapons and armour, not to mention an authentic, recently restored Nieuport-Macchi Ni.10 biplane. Do not miss the Risorgimento section, which contains not only weapons and uniforms but also furniture and china from the era of Italian unification. In the towers, you can see a collection of weapons from the early modern period (from the 16th to the 18th century), including armour, cold weapons, firearms, duelling weapons and hunting weapons.
Interesting temporary exhibitions are held in the museum and tickets can also be used to gain entry to an artillery exhibition in a separate location.
Contact & Directions
Museo Storico Italiano della GuerraVia Castelbarco, 7
38068 Rovereto , Italy
Visit Website
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