Museum of Uses and Customs of the Trentino people

Popular culture and mysterious masterpieces

A former Augustinian monastery is home to one of the most significant museums for folk traditions and culture in Italy, which is also one of the biggest institutions of its kind in the Alps. There is no better place to discover the traditions of Trentino.

The Museo degli Usi e Costumi is a treasure trove where you can learn all about the customs, memories and roots of the people of Trentino. There are no fewer than 12,000 items on display in the museum’s 43 rooms, which are divided into 25 sections and spread across five floors. Numerous topics are covered, including agriculture, craftsmanship, livestock raising, vine growing, music and popular devotions. Settings are faithfully reconstructed and there is an interesting focus on carnival traditions in the Alps and across Europe.

The museum was founded by the scholar Giuseppe Šebesta and it is based in a striking, monumental building: a former provost’s residence and monastery that dates back to the mid-12th century and has a triangular cloister.

As well as serving as an exhibition venue, the museum carries out significant research and organizes events and educational activities for families and schools. It is considered to be the most important regional ethnographic museum in Italy and one of the most significant in Europe.


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