Fondazione San Vigilio «Stuva Nova»

Fondazione San Vigilio | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole
Fondazione San Vigilio | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole
Fondazione San Vigilio | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

In about 1740, the archpriest Ludovico Isidoro Ignazio Rovereti had a “stuva nova” or rectory built, with richly decorated, engraved wooden walls, tables, chairs, a valuable stove and a good many pictures. It was badly damaged in 1918, when a group of Italian soldiers set fire to it. Restoration work between 1926 and 1928 was carried out by the Santini brothers with the wood engravers from the school of Ossana. Some of the original items from the 1700s were saved by Don Marini and today furnish the “Stuva Nova”.

Opening times: all year round

Guided visits are available, also for groups – booking required


Free entry with Trentino Guest Card

Limited disabled access

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