Caproni Museum of Aeronautics, Trento
An internationally unique collection of aeroplanes and historical relics
This breathtaking aviation museum will take you back to the pioneering days of flight in the 1920s with its unique collection of vintage aircraft, including the plane used by Gabriele D’Annunzio during his famous Flight over Vienna.
On 9 August 1918, Gabriele D’Annunzio flew over Vienna on a famous propaganda run in an Ansaldo SVA 5 biplane. The aircraft now plays a starring role in the collection of this museum, which focuses on a “heroic” era in the early days of aviation. The museum is dedicated to the aviation pioneer Gianni Caproni, who founded the aircraft manufacturer of the same name. His company had a particularly prominent role in the first part of the 20th century.
In 1927, Caproni himself organized the first exhibition of this kind in Taliedo, which was home to Milan’s airport at the time. The museum features reconstructions of the design studio and a view of the propeller workshop in the Caproni plant in the 1920s. There are also numerous works of aviation-based art, including a Futurist Aeropittura collection of paintings by figures such as Luigi Bonazza, Benedetta Cappa Marinetti, Guglielmo Sansoni (Tato) and Alfredo Ambrosi.
Contact & Directions
Museo dell'Aeronautica Gianni CaproniVia Lidorno , 3
38123 Trento , Italy
Visit Website
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