Museo del Fossile del Monte Baldo

The fossils of Monte Baldo reveal the origins and history of animals and plants.

 Museo del Fossile del Monte Baldo
 Museo del Fossile del Monte Baldo

Founded in 1977 after Osvaldo Giovanazzi donated his important collection to the city, the Fossil Museum is housed in the Renaissance Palazzo Eccheli-Baisi di Brentonico. The museum features 40 cases in 6 rooms, one of which is entirely dedicated to the interpretation of fossils through history - from myth to scientific knowledge. The collection includes over 1,200 fossils collected in the Northern areas of Monte Baldo.
Thanks to the abundance of fossils found there, the area has been attracting naturalists from all over the world for almost five centuries. One of the 16th century geology's and botanics' pioneers to the area was Verona-based pharmacist Francesco Calzolari, who came here in search of medicinal plants for his pharmacy. The fossils displayed in the Museum document the species of animals, which have been developing and living in a marine environment over the 150-80 million years from the post-Triassic Age. Special mention goes to the collection of Gastropods from the fossil deposit of Some, where no less than 134 species have been found and classified. There is also a large number of Ammonites, as well as Echinoids and Lamellibranchs.


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