Arte Sella

A forest where nature and art blend together

In Valsugana, there is a centuries-old forest where art and nature become one, where rocks, tree trunks and leaves come to life, and where the impossible becomes reality.

Arte Sella is much more than an outdoor museum. It is a creative process, a showcase of the constantly changing interaction between humans and the environment, just like nature itself. Rocks, branches, leaves, tree trunks, soil: these are the raw materials for the works of art which are literally rooted in place, becoming one with nature.

Since 1986, over 300 international artists have contributed to the cultivation of this “place for the soul”, adorning it with creations that are now part of the landscape, transforming with the passing seasons. The ArteNatura path is a journey of discovery amid the works of art and monumental trees of Arte Sella, further enhanced by Malga Costa, a cultural and exhibition space.

The Sky Museum project brings the art of Arte Sella to the centre of Borgo Valsugana. 3 installations mark the beginning of a multi-year process of enhancing architectural and landscape elements:The Broken Oak created by the English artist Stuart Ian Frost, with oak logs uprooted by storm Vaia, Controfacciata (Counterfacade), by Edoardo Tresoldi and L’Uomo volante (The Flying Man) by Cédric Le Borgne, who creates a visual continuity with Edoardo Tresoldi’s work.


Borgo Valsugana
Borgo Valsugana
Valsugana's capital enjoys...
Lago di Levico - APT Valsugana - ph. M. Visintainer | © Lago di Levico - APT Valsugana - ph. M. Visintainer
Lake Levico
A lake surrounded by greenery...
Lago di Caldonazzo - photo Roberto Bragotto | © Lago di Caldonazzo - photo Roberto Bragotto
Lake Caldonazzo - A water sports paradise
A holiday between sport and...

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Giardino botanico di Passo Coe

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Orto dei Semplici - Brentonico - Museo Civico di Rovereto | © Orto dei Semplici - Brentonico - Museo Civico di Rovereto

Brentonico Botanical Gardens

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Sentiero Marciò | © Foto Apt Val di Fiemme

Sentiero Marciò

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Ledro Land Art

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Marmitte dei Giganti

Marmitte dei Giganti

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The "Giardino della Rosa" (Rose Garden) in Ronzone

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The Sounding Forest

The Sounding Forest che suona project involves musicians and visitors looking for an unforgettable experience.

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Giardino Botanico di Passo Coe

Giardino botanico di Passo Coe

The Botanic Gardens of Coe Pass are located at 1,600 m a.s.l., near Coe Pass at the foot of Mount Marònia.

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Panoramic Walk from Sanzeno to the St Romedius Shrine

A highly suggestive walk for all revealing highly suggestive, breath-taking vistas.

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Orto dei Semplici - Brentonico - Museo Civico di Rovereto | © Orto dei Semplici - Brentonico - Museo Civico di Rovereto

Brentonico Botanical Gardens

A garden to understand the plants of Trentino

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Sentiero Marciò | © Foto Apt Val di Fiemme

Sentiero Marciò

Extraordinary walk in the hearth of the Paneveggio forest

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Ledro Land Art

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Marmitte dei Giganti

Marmitte dei Giganti

The Marmitte dei Giganti are Karstic in origin.

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The "Giardino della Rosa" (Rose Garden) in Ronzone

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Nature Trails

7 results
Lago di Levico - APT Valsugana - ph. M. Visintainer | © Lago di Levico - APT Valsugana - ph. M. Visintainer

Lake Levico

A lake surrounded by greenery where you can find peace and relaxation

Lago di Caldonazzo - photo Roberto Bragotto | © Lago di Caldonazzo - photo Roberto Bragotto

Lake Caldonazzo - A water sports paradise

A paradise for watersports

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Lake Santa Colomba

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Oasi Valtrigona - photo Associazione WWF Trentino | © Oasi Valtrigona - photo Associazione WWF Trentino

Oasi di Valtrigona

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Lago di Levico - APT Valsugana - ph. M. Visintainer | © Lago di Levico - APT Valsugana - ph. M. Visintainer

Lake Levico

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Lago di Caldonazzo - photo Roberto Bragotto | © Lago di Caldonazzo - photo Roberto Bragotto

Lake Caldonazzo - A water sports paradise

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Lago di Erdemolo

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Valle dei Mocheni

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Fontanazzo Biotope

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APT Pine Cembra - Lago di Santa Colomba - ph N. Berton | © APT Pine Cembra - Lago di Santa Colomba - ph N. Berton

Lake Santa Colomba

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Oasi Valtrigona - photo Associazione WWF Trentino | © Oasi Valtrigona - photo Associazione WWF Trentino

Oasi di Valtrigona

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SAT / E205 - Busa Verle - Cima Vézzena - Porta Manazzo

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Il sentiero dell'Anza Rossa 11

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SAT / E222 - Il sentiero attrezzato del Tomazol

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The Bosentino Plans 33

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Walk - Footpath to Benne Fortress

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Walk- the historical city centre of Castello Tesino

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Walk - Footpath to Benne Fortress

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Castel Pergine

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Valsugana - Val di Sella - Arte Sella

Arte Sella

At the roots of art

"Pietra Viva" Stone Museum

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Museum on the Theme of Mountains and Women

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From the plateau to the high Alps, in the footsteps of De Gasperi

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Castel Pergine

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Museo Casa De Gasperi

Go on a journey through the private life of one of the leading players in Italian and European history

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Valsugana - Val di Sella - Arte Sella

Arte Sella

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"Pietra Viva" Stone Museum

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Museum on the Theme of Mountains and Women

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“Tarcisio Trentin Collection” Ethnographic Museum

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Valsugana, Lagorai and Valle dei Mocheni

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