Museo della Malga - Caderzone Terme

The museum is home to a huge collection of items from the mountain pastures of Presanella, Adamello and the Brenta Dolomites.

Museo della Malga - Palazzo Bertelli | © Museo della Malga - Palazzo Bertelli
Museo della Malga - Palazzo Bertelli | © Museo della Malga - Palazzo Bertelli
Museo della Malga - Palazzo Bertelli | © Museo della Malga - Palazzo Bertelli

This museum paints a picture of everyday life in mountain dairies, which are a key part of the Alpine landscape. A selection of original tools helps to demonstrate how butter, ricotta and other cheeses are made.

You can learn all about life in the mountain dairies of the Val Rendena and Giudicarie in this museum, which is on the ground floor of the former stables in Palazzo Lodron-Bertelli. Inside, you will find a selection of the various tools that were once used to process milk and dairy products. As well as admiring an impressive collection of cowbells, in the first room you can learn all about grazing, milking and the activities that take place inside the place known as a “casello”, where pails are filled with milk and butter is made in churns.

On display in the second room are items from the “casara” (where there is a boiler for processing milk) and the storage area where the finished products are left to mature. In the third room is the bed of the man who works in the mountain dairy, along with a fireplace and a pot for cooking polenta, and a table that has been set and has items of wooden tableware on it.

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