Museum of the Mountain War

On the trail of the Great War

Museo della Guerra Bianca | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole
Museo della Guerra Bianca | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole
Museo della Guerra Bianca | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

The museum exhibits the collection of artefacts and memorabilia of Emilio Serra, who for about forty years tirelessly searched the mountains of the Valle di Sole, the site of bitter fighting from June 1915 to October 1918.

The exhibition opens with a large geographic map of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, prepared in 1909 by the Ministry of Public Education in Vienna, written in Italian and used in the schools in Trentino which, until 1918, was part of Tyrol. In the display cases you will see weapons, objects for daily use, uniforms and utensils of the soldiers’ personal equipment, memorabilia and military decorations.

Skis, ice crampons, snowshoes and straw overshoes for the sentries testify to the extremely harsh daily life high up in the mountains.

On the platform in the centre of the hall there are several types of Italian, Austro-Hungarian and German artillery ammunition.

The museum is part of the Trentino network of World War I Museums, comprising 19 museums spread throughout the province, which participate in the Rete Trentino Grande Guerra (Trentinto Great War Network) project.

It organises educational workshops for children.

Accessible for disabled people.

Small pet dogs may enter the museum.


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