Alpine Botanical Garden, Viote del Monte Bondone

The biodiversity of the plant species of the world’s greatest...

Orme dei Dinosauri

Dinosaur Tracks

Rovereto boasts Italy's largest deposit of fossilised dinosaur prints

The Violins' Forest

The Norway spruce growing in the Paneveggio forest is the key to the...

The Park of Levico Terme

Ideal site for events

The "Trodo dei Fiori" Botanical Pathway

The Trodo dei Fiori "path of flowers" wends its way through an area...

Alberi Monumentali

Alberi monumentali della Val di Fiemme

Re Leone, Maestro dei Pertegari and Colonne della Casaia. Discover...

Parco Fluviale Novella | © Photo Associazione Parco Fluviale Novella

Parco Fluviale Novella

Novella River Park features a trail to help visitors discover hidden...

Canyon Rio Sass

Enjoy the thrill of nature while exploring the Rio Sass canyon.

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