Parco Fluviale Novella

Novella River Park features a trail to help visitors discover hidden canyons, explore narrow passages and climb vertical walls

Parco Fluviale Novella | © Photo Associazione Parco Fluviale Novella
Parco Fluviale Novella
Parco Fluviale Novella
Parco Fluviale Novella | © Photo Associazione Parco Fluviale Novella
Parco Fluviale Novella | © Photo Associazione Parco Fluviale Novella

All you need is a speleologist's helmet and a guide to discover one of the jewels of the Val di Non. Opened in 2005, the Novella River Park offers the opportunity to walk, for a couple of hours, an exciting journey through history and geology.

Park your car in San Biagio (Romallo) where the adventure begins. After crossing apple orchards and then a landscape worthy of an American western movie, rich in animal and floral species, you will enter an incredible underground world made of walkways and narrow passages, breathtaking canyons, waterfalls and jumps of water.

After admiring the Pozzena bridge and the Dambel hydroelectric power station, you will exit the gorge and enter a forest where you can also admire an old spectacular lime production site and reach San Biagio, where there is a hermitage (not open to visitors), a complex of buildings erected since 1200.

In addition to the guided walking tour of the Novella River Park, it is possible to admire the canyons from another perspective, jumping on the kayaks that will take you deep into the wild gorges of the Novella stream.


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© Foto Archivio Apt

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© Foto Archivio Apt

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