Walk to the ogre's bridge

Walk to the ogre's bridge

Here is a good suggestion on how to spend a few hours of sun at low altitude by taking a pleasant walk in a very curious place!

This route, in fact, easy from a physical and technical point of view, leads to one of the strangest and at the same time spectacular rocky monuments in Trentino. It is the Orco Bridge, a true natural "sculpture" that stands out imposingly above the bed of the stream that descends into the Bronzale Valley. From his "inhuman" proportions we understand that the maker cannot be other than a ogre, as the legend says. Due to these unique characteristics, the route is also recommended for families!

Starting point: Ivano Fracena (452m)

Point of arrival: Orco Bridge (610m)

Difficulty: easy

Length: 3.5 km

Ascent: 258 m

Descent: 258 m

Duration: 1:00 h

Lowest point: 452 m (Ivano Fracena)

Highest point: 685 m (Sentiero del Ponte dell Orco)

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