Fruit orchards and natural caves

Sporminore is located at the mouth of Val di Non on the right bank of Noce stream, between Sporeggio and Lovernatico streams. The name "Minore" (minor) as opposed to "Maggiore" (major) refers to the old division of the land called Spor. The town is overlooked by the Dolomiti di Brenta chain, the area is surrounded by numerous fruit orchards (apple and pear trees).
Bus de la Spia is located very close to the town; it is a large cave of great speleological value. Many people still believe that this passage leads up to Molveno Lake, and that in the past it used to be a secret passage linking Sporminore to Molveno. The area lies within the Adamello Brenta Nature Reserve.
The residential palace called i Palazzi is very interesting. It is a noble mansion featuring a tower, that belonged to the Lords' family named Spaur (Castel Valer's current owners). Its iron-wrought gratings are considered among the most beautiful works in the entire Trentino area. The town-centre features the old palazzi Spaur with its quadrangular tower; its windows overlook the Sporo-Rovina castle. The castle - just a site of ruins nowadays - is perched on the left side of the Sporeggio valley along the ancient road called Traversara, which used to connect Anaunia to the Giudicarie and to close off the valley on the South side together with Castel Belfort.
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