Fort Nago

The main exponents of the artistic movement founded by Marinetti fought here

Large squared stone blocks, finished by hand, make up this fortification built in 1862 by the Austro-Hungarians.

24 October 1915: Umberto Boccioni, Ugo Piatti, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Mario Sironi and Antonio Sant'Elia, the most famous Futurist painters, fought here, participating with their “Battaglione Lombardo Volontari Ciclisti Automobilisti” (Lombard Cyclist And Motorist Volunteers Battalion) in the occupation of Dosso Casina on the slopes of Mount Altissimo in Nago.

Fort Nago, an Austro-Hungarian fortress built in 1862 on the northern shores of Lake Garda, was an important station during World War I. The building is divided into two distinct parts, one of which is located on a ridge. You can still see them clearly today, although restaurant facilities are now hosted in them.



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