Rovereto City Museum

An innovative museum in an elegant eighteenth-century residence

Rovereto City Museum
Rovereto City Museum

An interactive, multi-sensory museum housed in one of Rovereto’s historic buildings. Since opening in 2019, it has told the history of the city through the faces and voices of its key figures.

This innovative museum tells the story of Rovereto through an interactive and interdisciplinary approach: the beauty of the territory, its rich history, and the talents of the historical figures who contributed to its growing importance over time.

It is also a “participatory” museum, as all citizens of Rovereto can contribute to its collections by donating their own items of historical significance. You can enjoy your visit with the guidance of an app which allows you to interact with the items on display and listen to their stories.

The museum opened in 2019 and is housed in the rooms of Palazzo Sichardt, the eighteenth-century residence of the Sichardt family of merchants from Nuremberg. But that’s another story… which you can learn by visiting the museum!

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Base Tuono | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra

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