The Sounding Forest

The Sounding Forest che suona project involves musicians and visitors looking for an unforgettable experience.

The Sounding Forest
The Sounding Forest
The Sounding Forest
Val di Fiemme - Paneveggio Forest - Deer in the snowy forest

The Sounding Forest grows up in the woods of Predazzo, in Val di Fiemme, the Valley of Harmony. The pillars of this outdoor music temple are the spruce firs. Stradivari and other great master luthiers like Guarnieri and Amati already appreciated the valuable resonance woods of these plants. Each summer, this forest welcomes a musical ritual unique in the world, invented by Mr. Claudio Delvai.

During the summer some world-famous musicians, who participate in the music festival The Sounds of the Dolomites, are called to choose a spruce fir of the Sounding Forest. This is the gift made in Val di Fiemme, for these artists who spread sublime melodies in the world. During the baptism of the tree, Mr. Marcello Mazzucchi, explains the “character” and tells the story of the tree chosen by the musicians. It often happens that the artist recognizes a curious similar nuance with his tree. The ritual ends with the performance of a piece that the artist dedicates to his spruce fir. A mysterious resonance between man and nature makes the forest vibrate.

Walking in these woods, you will meet the trees of Uto Ughi, Mario Brunello, Daniel Hope, Ilya Gruber and many others, marked by a plaque.

You can reach the Sounding Forest driving through the forestry road (mostly paved) that gets to Valmaggiore from Predazzo.

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