Flavon - Contà
An ancient Roman route takes visitors from Valle dell'Adige to Flavon

Located in the Lower Val di Non valley, Flavon, not far away form Tuenno and Tovel, was built on a Roman road which connected it to the Valle dell'Adige. The town used to be the imperial feud of the Flavon's - a dynasty that died out in the 15th century.
Its highlights include the parish church of the Natività di San Giovanni Battista, which was rebuilt in the Cles style during the 16th century, by adding a Renaissance portal, a Gothic bellower and also a wooden altar in the early 17th century. The church's apse is decorated with prized frescos painted by the Baschenis, travelling artists who came from the Bergamo area.
Castel Flavon was first owned by the Counts of Flavon, before passing to the Coredo's - who were based at Castel Faver -and eventually to the Spaur's. All that is left of it today are a few remains, hidden in the woods. Nonetheless, this is still the valley of the castles, and the numerous walks to be taken in the surroundings allow visitors to fully experience its charms.
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