Mezzolombardo: discovering culture and tradition within the most beautiful vineyard in Europe
Mezzolombardo is located on the outskirts of the Piana Rotaliana- described by Goethe as "the most beautiful vineyard in Europe" - on the age-old road which once connected Val d'Adige with Anaunia (Val di Non). The hamlet was defended by two castles, Torre and S. Pietro, while the Rocchetta guarded the road running close to the deep gorge of River Noce. Set at the foot of a mountain, it is overlooked by both the ancient church dedicated to San Pietro and by the castle. The town is also crossed by a road crowded with prestigious 18th century and early 19th century residences, as well as with numerous alluring shops.
Mezzolombardo´s roots date back to prehistory. The town then came under Roman, Longobard and Frank domination before seeing the grandeur of the Prince Bishop of Trento.
Age-old traditions and culture have turned Mezzolombardo - once focused exclusively on grape cultivation - into a flourishing economic centre. Legend has it that the Teroldego red wine manufactured here was even known to Ovid. Mezzolombardo is part of the Piana Rotaliana's Strada del vino e dei sapori (Food and Wine Route), which has been specifically designed to help tourists discover flavours unique to this area.
Contact & Directions
APT Dolomiti PaganellaCorso del Popolo, 35
38017 Mezzolombardo , Italy
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