Castel Campo

A striking castle bear witness to local history.

Castel Campo | © photo APT Comano
Castel Campo APT Comano | © photo V. Monelli

Nestled within a thicket on the outskirts of the Piana di Lomaso, Castel Campo is a monumental castle complex featuring three towers enclosing an elegant medieval courtyard. Given its sheltered location - which is nevertheless close to the roads which connect the Outer and Inner Valli Giudicarie - the castle may have been a religious refuge in origin. What is certain is that, since 1163 it was the residence of the powerful Campo family. Purchased by the Trapps in 1468, the building was subjected to extensive works to enlarge and decorate it. 

In 1920 the castle was bought by Milan-based Rasini family. Spectacular from an architectonic point of view, the castle boasts Medieval and Romantic contaminations as well as Neo-Gothic flavours, especially in the halls. Its striking inner courtyard contains three rows of arcades, opened at different times. The five, large arches of the colonnade are supported by red stone columns, taken from the remains of a previous building dating back to the 4th century.


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© Foto Archivio Apt

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Valli Giudicarie - Castel Stenico | © Foto Archivio Apt

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© Foto Archivio Apt

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© Foto Archivio Apt

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Parco Archeo Natura Fiavé - ph. I.Moser- copyright Soprintendenza Beni Culturali PAT | © Parco Archeo Natura Fiavé - ph. I.Moser- copyright Soprintendenza Beni Culturali PAT

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APT Comano - Torbiera di Fiavé | © APT Comano - Torbiera di Fiavé

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