Forte Belvedere Gschwendt

One of the most beautiful Austro-Hungarian military forts

This is one of the most breathtaking Austro-Hungarian military constructions. Do not miss the moving model of the Museo della Grande Guerra (First World War Museum) and the reconstructed trench.

Forte Belvedere Gschwendt is one of the best preserved Austro-Hungarian fortresses in Trentino. Built between 1908 and 1914, it bears witness to the striking stories of the First World War. It is now home to an innovative museum featuring multimedia creations such as the “Fortezza delle Emozioni” (Fort of Emotions): a multi-sensory experience that shows what life was like for soldiers.

Lights, sounds, voices and a series of interactive installations reveal just how tough things were in the mountain forts and trenches. The names of the stages in the exhibition route are as follows: The Moving Model, The Sentries, The Howitzers of Sounds, The Eyes of Light, The Machine Gun Nest Diaries and the Angel of the Alpini Mountain Troops.


Museo del Miele | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra
Museo del Miele - The Honey Museum
The Honey Museum, in Tobia...
Base Tuono | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra
Base Thunder
Former NATO missile base,...
ALPECIMBRA_Forte_Belvedere foto_A_Contrini
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