Exhibition on the Great War in the Primiero area

Traces and memories of the First World War

Mostra sulla Grande Guerra nel Primiero | © Foto Apt San Martino di Castrozza, Passo Rolle, Primiero e Vanoi

The exhibition was organised starting from the private collection of Edoardo Zagonel – an Alpine guide, a ski instructor as well as a member of the Alpine Rescue Team – who, as a hobby, is also a “recycler”. Edo, who has always been a great fan of world wars, over the years collected thousands of objects of historical interest, by roaming extensively amongst the mountains where he lived.

The exhibition brings together photos, documents, diaries and relics which testify to the main war events that occurred in San Martino di Castrozza and Primiero during the First World War. The exhibition is located a short walk from the centre of San Martino di Castrozza, near the State Forestry Command Station and it can be visited in summer (June-September).


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